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Player Totals for Season 2006

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Andrew Raines222169.81818.2397181004.500391.814171006143565.2
Danyle Pearce2227512.51577.143219.6924.200482.21516120.51082165675.3
Marc Murphy1314811.4866.623418735.610.1272.1141080.645298075.4
Heath Shaw2231314.21366.244920.41607.340.2542.5211690.4458194288.3

Head to Head

Each table below gives only the statistics for games in which the paired players both competed. This can be used to see how players compete against each other. If a pairing does not show then it is because they have not played against each other.

Andrew Raines v Danyle Pearce for Season 2006

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Danyle Pearce177101017174400551200006868
Andrew Raines111115516165500002100005757

Andrew Raines v Marc Murphy for Season 2006

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Andrew Raines11111121223235500221000008181
Marc Murphy11414662020990044011106100100

Andrew Raines v Heath Shaw for Season 2006

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Heath Shaw1887715155500220000006161
Andrew Raines116162218189900332000009393

Danyle Pearce v Marc Murphy for Season 2006

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Marc Murphy114148822227700112211068585
Danyle Pearce11919662525660044100000104104

Danyle Pearce v Heath Shaw for Season 2006

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Heath Shaw2422114756282110.500632110.517247123.5
Danyle Pearce2178.5136.530154200211210.5179949.5

Heath Shaw v Marc Murphy for Season 2006

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Heath Shaw11919772626991133100000112112
Marc Murphy1886614144400003000005151

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